Engaging with Local Communities
Basic Policy
As a corporate group with business locations all over Japan, the Alfresa Group strives to maintain harmonious relationship with the local communities where it does business and cooperates with them to achieve mutual development. The Alfresa Group will make a concerted effort to address social issues through its business operations while actively engaging in social contribution activities to give back to local communities.
Supporting the Health and Protection of the Community
Community Support Activities Such as Activities for Elderly People and People Suffering from Dementia
All Alfresa Group companies involved in the Ethical pharmaceuticals wholesaling business have formed agreements with local governments to help watch over the community in order to cooperate with the Community-based Integrated Care System. Furthermore, another major issue is building patient support systems in local communities to cope with an increasing number of patients with dementia due to the aging of society. As companies that support Japan’s medical system, Group companies strive to train “dementia supporters”—people with an accurate knowledge of dementia who can understand dementia patients and their families well. Through our promotion of community support activities for older adults and those with dementia, we will treasure our involvement and connections with local communities and support efforts to create communities that are easy for anyone to live in.
Training for “dementia supporters” development held by Alfresa Corporation head office -
The orange wristband is the symbol for dementia supporters.
Helping to Improve the Health of the Community
In its Medical-related business, the Alfresa Group provides wider-ranging, active support for the health of everyone in the community through dispensing pharmacies. In addition to medication support at home for patients who require home care, we hold health events where we provide measurement of blood pressure, blood flow, body fat ratio, bone mass, lung age, and skin age, as well as health consultations as part of our efforts to raise health awareness among community residents. Moreover, at some dispensing pharmacies we provided dispensing pharmacist work experience events to foster interest in the work of a dispensing pharmacist and in pharmaceuticals themselves.
Health event -
Pharmacist work experience event for children
Child Watch Campaign
Crimes against children have become a social concern. In order to ensure an environment in which the children of a neighborhood can be safe and secure, the Group is promoting the Child Watch campaign. In addition to affixing Child Watch stickers to company vehicles and taking care to ensure children’s safety during the delivery process, the Group’s delivery staff actively prepare to address for unexpected events involving children. We have also set up temporary shelters for children as places where they can go to take shelter when they sense any danger.
Companies involved | Alfresa Corporation, Shikoku Alfresa Corporation, TS Alfresa Corporation, Meisho Co., Ltd., RYUYAKU CO., LTD. |

Contributing to Social Welfare
Donating Wheelchairs and Welfare Vehicles
Shikoku Alfresa Corporation and TS Alfresa Corporation donate wheelchairs and welfare vehicles every year to local governments, councils of social welfare and others in the areas where they conduct business. Going forward, the two companies will continue with these initiatives and conscientiously nurture their ties with the local community.

Encouraging Blood Donation
Many people need blood transfusions and blood products to treat illnesses and injuries. As part of the social responsibility expected of a company involved in healthcare, the Group encourages its people to donate blood. Group companies continue their initiatives, including periodically inviting in mobile blood donation vehicles.

Supporting Activities of NPOs, etc.
Supporting the United Nations World Food Programme
Through the Japan Association for the World Food Programme, the Group supports the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), which has a mission to eradicate hunger and poverty. The WFP won the Novel Peace Prize for 2020. The Group supports WFP activities, including taking part in WFP Walk the World, a charity walk to eliminate child hunger, and encouraging its people to participate in WFP’s charity essay contest.

Diverse Engagement with Local Communities
Taking Part in Ota City Science Academy
Group company Alfresa Pharma Corporation has been taking part in the Ota City Science Academy organized by Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, where the Gunma Plant is located, since it was first held in 2011. The corporation has held courses on topics such as “The Basics of Pharmaceuticals” and “Hands-on lesson in tablet making,” aiming to foster children’s interest in “product making” using medicine as the example product.
In the hands-on lessons, children get to actually experience making pharmaceutical tablets using metal tools and ingredients that have no effect on the body. The course is highly rated, having been constantly chosen as “Most enjoyable course” in the questionnaires conducted of participants. As good corporate citizens, Alfresa Pharma Corporation and other Alfresa Group companies will keep working to contribute to local communities.
See the Ota City website for more details on the Ota City Science Academy (Japanese)

Contributing to Local Cultural Activities via the Akita Kanto Festival
Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation, which manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients, takes part in the Akita Kanto Festival, a summer event in Akita, by consistently providing support for its local neighborhood team. The local Shimosakana-machi neighborhood team has scored many victories in the “Myogikai” contest for performance excellence. Through its participation in the Kanto Festival, Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation contributes to community activities.

Local Beautification Activities
Alfresa Group companies contribute to the beautification of local environments through their clean-up activities in each community. The NPO Tsukushikai, which was established by volunteers from Meisho Co., Ltd., regularly holds activities such as clean-ups and weeding at parks and beaches in Ishikawa Prefecture, Fukui Prefecture, and Toyama Prefecture. Furthermore, at TS Alfresa Corporation, all employees join the clean-up activities at the areas around company premises, once a month at the head office and on a regular basis at other offices. By making this a habit, we aim to foster a sense of social contribution.

Donations and Endowments
Alfresa Group companies provide donations and endowments to various groups as part of their social contribution activities. The Group will continue to nurture ties with local communities by making donations in various sectors, including social welfare, health, and academia and research. In the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes or heavy rains, the Group makes donations to support those affected and to aid in the reconstruction of damaged areas, while striving to ensure a stable supply of pharmaceuticals in those areas as a key social mission.